Need to Detox Fast?

Explore our range of trusted and proven 1-10 day detox programs.
Detox Fast

Testclear is the Clear Alternative

Testclear has been helping people pass drug test for 25 years providing proven drug testing solutions to help people pass urine drug tests, pass hair drug tests, and pass saliva drug tests.

Don't get caught in the fallacy of using water to pass a drug test or using goldenseal to pass a drug test. We deal with only proven solutions to help a person to pass a drug test.

Pass a Supervised Test

Pass a Supervised Test

A Supervised Test is usually the most critical Drug Test of them all. See our full line of proven solutions.

Test Yourself

Test Yourself

Need to test yourself? Want to know if you are positive before they do? See our full line of drug testing kits.

Detox Yourself

Detox Yourself

If you want to detox your body natually then the Detoxification Programs are for you. It is your body and you can trust the Toxin Rid Detoxification Programs to help.

Detect Drugs

Detect Drugs

Our Drug Identification Kits will allow you to verify a substance that you suspect as drugs. These kits are the same ones used by law enforcement.

Top Sellers Top Sellers View All Products

Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo
Availability:IN STOCK
298 Reviews
Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo with Zydot Ultra Clean deeply cleanses and removes imp...Read More
Price: $169.95
Urine Simulation with Powdered Urine Kit
Availability:IN STOCK
702 Reviews
Experience the Realism of Urine Simulation with a Powdered Urine KitRead More
Price: $59.95
10 Day Detoxfication Program - For Extreme Toxin Exposure
Availability:IN STOCK
134 Reviews
10-Day Detox program designed for Extreme Toxin Exposure. Our Detox programs work for all toxinsRead More
Price: $189.95
5 Day Toxin Program - For Heavy Toxin Exposure
Availability:IN STOCK
157 Reviews

A 5-Day Detox Toxin Rid Kit is designed for Heavy Toxins. Our Detox programs work for all toxin...Read More

Price: $109.95