Testing Facts, Myths & Frequently Asked Questions
We have the answers if you have questions about our products designed to help your system eliminate toxins. Below are the most frequently asked questions, myths, and information about our Toxin Rid detox systems.
What types of products do you offer?
We offer a range of cleansing kits from 1-day detox kits to 10-day detox kits, designed to help you with various tests, including urine, blood, and hair tests. We also provide powdered urine kits for simulating urine, which can be used in scientific experiments. The powdered urine looks, smells, and behaves like human urine, making it suitable for even the most sophisticated tests. Additionally, we offer a kit designed for supervised tests, which contains powdered urine and an apparatus for heating the urine mixture. Lastly, we have the No Time Detox Drink, ideal for individuals with higher toxin levels or larger body mass.
What are the different types of experiments?
Several tests, including saliva, urine, hair, and blood tests, are available. The most common pre-employment screening tests are saliva and urine, but hair tests are also possible. Finally, blood tests are typically reserved for situations where other testing methods aren't possible or for immediate testing.
Are cleansing kits permanent?
Our Toxin Rid Detox Kits are comprehensive programs designed to cleanse your entire body of toxins thoroughly. By selecting the appropriate kit based on your body type and frequency of toxin exposure, and by abstaining from future toxin exposure, you can consistently meet the requirements of various tests, regardless of when you started the detox program. It's important to note that if you are exposed to toxins again in the future, it will negate the effects of the detox kit and may lead to a positive test result.
How do I know which detox kits to use?
The detox program you should choose for yourself should be based on how often you use substances within 30 days. The best way to estimate your substance use frequency accurately is to consider the past 90 days, break it down into three 30-day timeframes, and average the number of times you used substances during those three 30-day periods. For example, if your substance use was between 20 and 24 times on average for 30 days, the 7-Day Detox Program would be your best option. If you use less or more often, you should change detox programs accordingly. Remember, the detox pills are all the same regardless of which detox program you choose. The detox programs only differ by the length of time they should be taken. Therefore, the higher your substance use frequency, the longer you'll need to detox.
Is the hair test the most accurate?
Blood tests are the most accurate as they test for the parent. However, blood tests have a shorter detection window than other tests. Aside from the blood test, hair tests are the most accurate of all other tests. This test can detect substance use up to 90 days before taking it, making it one of the most challenging tests to undergo. Not to mention, hair follicle tests can show a wide variety of substances ingested during this period. Though most employers choose saliva or urine tests, some will use hair tests because they are accurate.