More Toxin Rid One Day Detoxification System Details
You will take three tablets (with 8 ounces of water) every hour for 5 hours daily. Drink water daily, and make sure you get at least half a gallon. To enhance the effectiveness of your detoxification process, focus on consuming a balanced diet rich in essential nutrients.
Eat breakfast each day to kickstart your metabolism and activate your digestive system. Add fresh vegetables and fruits to your diet, providing vital nutrients that enhance liver function, and include lean proteins to assist with liver detox. This approach ensures you're nourishing your body with a healthy diet while it works to eliminate toxins.
On the day of your detox, drink the detox liquid 2 hours after your last set of pills. You need to fast during those 2 hours. Take half the detox liquid with 8 to 16 ounces of distilled water (or orange juice, which cuts the salt flavor), then do not eat or drink for 2 hours.
Next, take the other half with another 8 to 16 ounces of distilled water. Wait another 2 hours before eating or drinking. Then, you're all done. You can either mix the detox liquid with the water (or orange juice), use it as a chaser, or do half and half.
This step is optional. Use this step if you have a drug test scheduled between day one and day four after you finish your detox plan. If you have a flush drink for the day of your test, you do not need to do Step 3.
Mix the dietary fiber in 8 ounces of distilled or filtered tap water one hour before your test. Drink within two minutes. Wait 15 minutes and drink 8 ounces of water. Do not drink more orange juice or water. Urinate two or three times in the next hour and take your test.
Useful Detoxification Tips
Consumption and Frequency:What you are consuming, how often you are consuming, and the length of time you have been consuming are some of the major factors in selecting the correct detox kit for your toxin level.
Height and Weight: Your height and weight are also major factors in selecting the correct detox cleansing kit. Slender individuals process in normal time, while individuals with more weight will experience a longer detoxification process because toxins are stored in the body's fat cells. Weight loss may speed up the detox and set you up for optimal results, should you undergo another detox plan in the future.
Metabolism: If you have a fast metabolism, your body will process the detox quicker than someone with a slower metabolism. As we get older, our metabolism slows down, and the length of time to detox takes longer.
Exercise: We recommend that you refrain from heavy exercise while on the detox plan. The detox kit is designed to target fat cells to expel the toxins from your body. If you are exercising, you will counteract the detox process and make it more difficult for the toxins to be expelled.
Types of exercise to refrain from include cardio, spin cycle, weightlifting, dance, aerobics, kickboxing, and Zumba, just to name a few. Steer clear of the sauna as well. Anything that is going to make you sweat excessively should be avoided. Just sit back and allow the detox kit to rid your body of unwanted toxins.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is a 1-day cleanse?
A 1-day cleanse is designed to quickly remove unwanted toxins from the body using a focused detox kit, like the Toxin Rid 1-day detox plan.
2. Does a 1-day cleanse work?
A 1-day detox cleanse works for passing a drug test when followed carefully and used by individuals with light toxin exposure. Those with higher toxin levels or heavy exposure might consider our more intensive detox kits for a more thorough toxin flush.
For a tailored detox plan that takes into account your toxicity level, body weight, the type of test you'll be undergoing, and the expected time of the experiment, check out our Detox Calculator to find the perfect detox solution for your needs.