Pass a Hair Drug Test With The Original Macujo Method
Attitudes to the use of THC, for medical reasons or otherwise, have rapidly changed over the last ten or so years. With the FDA's recent approval of a cannabis-based drug to treat two types of epileptic syndromes, you'd think that the US federal government would at least recategorize marijuana.
Drug tests are still mandatory for many places of work, and the reality is that you, a THC user, are interested in acquiring or keeping a job. Often, offices will administer urine drug tests. Still, hair follicle tests are also a popular drug testing method, as traces of specific drugs are detectable in hair for a more extended period in hair follicles than in the urine.
Have no fear. There are ways to pass a hair drug test without completely shaving all your head and body hair off.
The Original Macujo Method is often shortened to the "Mac method."
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While urine drug tests typically screen for drugs taken within the last few days or weeks, hair follicle tests are often used to detect drug use within the previous 90 days. So how does a hair follicle drug test work?
THC metabolites travel through your bloodstream and then are stored in your hair. A lab technician will cut from 100 to 120 strands of hair at least 1.5 inches long from your head, collected from the root. (The hair is collected from different parts of your head to prevent bald spots or funky haircuts.)
If your hair is too short, or if you're bald, body hair is used instead.
Now, if you don't want to shave your head and wax off all your body hair to avoid being tested (a method that is decidedly less than subtle), you'll probably want to try some detoxing techniques to wash the THC-COOH (a THC metabolite) out of your hair.
There are a few effective DIY methods to do this, and one of the most effective hair detox methods is the hair-cleansing Original Macujo Method.
The Original Macujo Method is a seven-step hair-cleansing procedure favored by many for its efficacy and convenience. What you're aiming for with this method is to open up your hair cuticles to get to the hard part in the middle, which is the cortex, and flush out all the little metabolites swimming around in there.
The Hair drug-detox Macujo Method is far more efficient for flushing chemicals out of your hair than home remedies like vinegar and salicylic acid soaks; this Mac daddy of all home detox methods reportedly works about 99 percent of the time. That's a pretty good number.
The Original Macujo Method instructions are pretty easy to follow. First, you'll need to gather the following items:

- Rubber gloves
Rubber gloves to protect your hands are always suitable when handling chemicals.
- Shower cap
Use a shower cap when you don't want your wet hair to get in the way of your activities while you wait for the vinegar and the shampoo to work their magic.
- Clean & Clear Deep Cleansing
Clean & Clear Deep Cleansing has salicylic acid, the stuff you want in your hair, to help flush the chemicals. You can also get other salicylic acid shampoos, but Clean & Clear Deep Cleansing is the most widely used by people who swear by Macujo cleansing.
- Heinz vinegar
You can find Heinz vinegar anywhere in the world, in any grocery, no problem. Heinz vinegar has an excellent acid content of about 5 percent.
- Tide Liquid Laundry Detergent
Also pretty readily available in grocery stores everywhere around the world.
- Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo (Essential product for Macujo Method)
Here's where it starts to get a little tricky. It would be best if you specifically had the original/old-style formula of the Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo. Be careful of fake formulas, as they will not work. Always buy Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo from reputable sources.
- Zydot Ultra Clean
Zydot Ultra Clean has been misunderstood for some time now. It's an important part of the Original Macujo drug detox but is less effective. Buy Zydot Ultra Clean from reputable sources, as fake formulas can result in disaster.
Once you've got all your ingredients, gloves, and sink, you're ready to begin the first step of your Macujo Method drug detox.
Step 1: Once you learn about your drug test or suspect that you'll have to take a drug test shortly, stop smoking pot. The sooner you stop smoking (or eating, vaping, etc.), the sooner the toxins can fully break down the remaining metabolites in your body.
Step 2: Rinse your hair with warm water over the sink. Make sure you thoroughly soak your hair from root to tip. After this, you're ready to put Heinz vinegar in your hair. This may make your scalp sting a bit. Don't worry; this is normal.
Step 3: Without removing any vinegar from your hair, massage Clean & Clear into your scalp. That'll make your scalp tingle even more. Again, breathe. Put your hair in a shower cap, and distract yourself with something while you wait an hour for the vinegar and Clean & Clear to do their job.
Step 4: After an hour, rinse your hair with warm water.
Step 5: Wash your hair with Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid shampoo. Do this twice.
Step 6: Now it's time to wash your hair with Tide Liquid Detergent. Scrubba-dub until your head feels clean. Important: avoid any contact with your eyes. Goggles may be worn to ensure your eyes are safe, but you want to remember to get under the goggle strap too.
Step 7: The final step is to use the Zydot Ultra Clean shampoo. Again, rinse with warm water.
It's really important to repeat this process at least three times. Many even say you may want to try doing this seven times for a sure negative on your drug test.
Like any detox method, the Macujo Method drug detox has pros and cons. The biggest downside of the Macujo Method is the cost but it is an effective solution.
However, if you need to pass your hair drug test, the Original Macujo Method has proven to be at least 95 percent effective (anyone telling you otherwise isn't being honest), and it may just be worth the cost anyway.
The Macujo method won't work no matter how many times you wash your hair if you use fake Aloe Rid, use the original Old Style Aloe Rid Toxin Rid Shampoo. Remember that it's important to repeat the steps at least three times. Even up to five. Opening those cuticles can take a long time, so be thorough and patient.
It's worth noting that the hair-cleansing Original Macujo Method works for some hair types more than others. It reportedly works quite well for thin, light hair but not as much for darker, thicker hair types.
To be safe, you will want to clean your hair several times throughout the week or weeks before your drug test. Use the recommended, original shampoos (Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo). Do it the night before and the morning of your drug test too.
Just in case your employers may want to test for drugs in your urine, too, you may want to stop taking cannabis immediately after you learn about any upcoming drug tests. Exercise and diet are also vital for processing THC out of your system, as it's stored in fat.
Drinking plenty of fluids and adding an herbal supplement to the mix is always a good idea to flush all the toxins out of your system.
Stay hydrated out there, guys, and remember: breath!
Original Macujo Method Hair Cleansing Infographic
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