Walmart - Random Drug Testing Strategy Guide

PUBLISHED: Monday, January 17, 2022

Testing Strategy Guide 

It has been announced that Walmart will be implementing a Random Drug Testing program starting on September 1, 2008. Details remain sketchy, but rumor is that they will be testing 50 percent of the workforce per year with this Random Drug Testing program. It is unknown if management will be tested as well. 

Why is Walmart doing this? This program is going to be very costly for the company and how do they expect to recoup their costs for such a massive Random Drug Testing program? Our analysis has indicated that there is a foreseeable downturn predicted for the economy and that Walmart will use Random Drug Testing as a tool to rid itself of employees to downsize for the upcoming future downturn in the economy. This will save the company money by not having to pay severance packages and benefits in case of layoffs.

 In a confidential Memo, Walmart outlines that the reason for implementing a Random Drug Testing program is to improve its image ( This is a very poor reason for subjecting their employees to this humiliating process). We firmly believe that Walmart has other reasons for implementing this program. Since Walmart is not unionized, employees do not have the luxury of having union leadership negotiate the details of the Random Drug Testing Program. Another problem with this program is that Walmart is not allowing people ample time to get clean on their own if they are indeed has been contaminated by toxins. In addition, Walmart has not enacted a substance abuse program for those that fail their drug test. Also, there is no programs in place for medical marijuana patients when/if they test positive. 

We are outlining the steps that people need to take to protect their livelihoods and careers:

For Employees 

1) Have on hand the Powdered Urine Kit just in case you are subject to a drug test and you are not 100 percent clean.

2) Do not trust home tests. A home test is not the same thing as a lab test. If you pass a home test you can fail a lab test. If you have any risk of failure always use a product to help you pass.

3) If you decide to make a lifestyle decision that is to quit altogether, use the Toxin Rid Detoxification programs to help rid your system of toxins. They work for blood and urine. There are various degrees, so you need to speak with a drug testing advisor to determine the right one for your toxin exposure.

4) Contact Testclear if you have any additional concerns.


For Supervisors 

1) If you must escort an employee to a drug testing facility, please give that employee time to prepare for the test. As a supervisor, you do not want to lose your best employees, if possible, because of something they do on their own time. No one wants to work with people who are under the influence of drugs, but Drug Testing is not impairment testing; rather, it is user testing, which is not fair. Protect your employees at all costs.


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