Does GameStop Drug Test

PUBLISHED: Wednesday, May 20, 2020

GameStop Corp. is a retailer of video game titles, gaming consoles, and other accessories. Based in Grapevine, Texas, the company has 5,509 physical stores, as well as e-commerce websites under GameStop, EB Games, and Micromania brands, as of February 1, 2020. GameStop operates in the US, Canada, Australia, and Europe. 

The company’s workforce consists of (a) 14,000 full-time and hourly employees and (b) 22,000 to 42,000 part-time or seasonal employees worldwide. Notwithstanding the backlash it received because of its response to COVID-19, the company offers numerous job opportunities, primarily for retail staff and management. 

Interestingly, GameStop has ranked number 4 among companies in the US where employees or workers are most worried about drug tests, according to research. You will surely be interested in the information here.

Does GameStop Drug-Test Employees?

According to its Code of Standards, Ethics & Conduct, the company maintains an alcohol, drug, and smoke-free workplace. To that end, it prohibits “the unlawful manufacture, distribution, transfer, sale, use, or possession of alcohol, drugs, other controlled substances, or inhalants” on its premises. It also does not permit employees to go to work with alcohol or illegal drugs present in their system.    

The company compels employees with safety-sensitive positions to inform management about using medications that can hamper their ability to perform their work safely.  Smoking, including electronic cigarettes, is only allowed in designated areas and during breaks.  

Pre-employment Drug Testing

It seems that the company may or may not test all applicants for illegal substance use during the pre-employment stage. Any drug test, if ever, usually comes after one accepts a job offer, and testing negative is a condition to getting the job. It also seems, per anecdotes online, that candidates for store management positions have a higher likelihood to undergo pre-employment drug testing.

Drug Testing during Employment

GameStop is known to conduct drug testing, which may include random drug tests among its employees.

The Answer

For all the conflicting information found online about GameStop’s drug-testing policies, especially for pre-employment, it’s clear that you need to take all the necessary preparations to ace your application. You can ask employees about their experience with workplace drug tests. In connection, the company encourages its employees to seek assistance for drug or alcohol dependence, under its Employee Assistance Program. 


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