Product Details
Useful Detoxification Tips
Consumption and Frequency. What you are consuming, how often you are consuming, and the length of time you have been consuming are some of the significant factors in selecting the correct detox program for your toxin level. This tailored approach is designed to effectively complement your body's natural detoxification process, ensuring a duration that aligns with your needs.
Height and Weight. Your height and body weight are significant factors in selecting the correct program. Slender individuals usually process, while individuals with more weight will experience a longer detoxification process because toxins are stored in the body's fat cells.
Metabolism. If you have a fast metabolism, your body will process the detox quicker than someone with a slower metabolism. We all have metabolites that help our bodies process toxins.
As we age, our body's metabolism slows down, and detoxing takes longer since our metabolites aren't as effective.
Exercise. We RECOMMEND that you REFRAIN from HEAVY EXERCISE while on the detox program. The detox program is designed to target the fat cells of your body and expel the toxins. Exercising will counteract the program and make it more difficult for the toxins to be expelled before your urinalysis, saliva, or blood test.
Types of exercise to refrain from include cardio, spin cycle, weight lifting, dance, aerobics, kickboxing, Zumba, and using the sauna, to name a few. Anything that is going to make you sweat excessively should be avoided. Just sit back and allow the program to safely, naturally, and healthily rid your body of unwanted toxins.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do you have questions? We've got answers. For all your queries about detoxification, we're here to provide the guidance and support you need.
How long do I need to be clean to pass a test?
That depends on the substances you've been using and your frequency of use. We have various detox kits that are to be used from one to ten days, depending on your level of exposure, according to our chart.
The 10-day detox program is our longest one for extreme toxin exposure. Under normal circumstances, could stay in your body for a minimum of 30 days, but the manufacturer guarantees our Toxin Rid products work when used as directed.
Can I use alcohol or legal substances during the detox?
No. Refrain from using alcohol from 24 hours before you begin the detox until 24 hours after you finish the detox, as well as your test. Using alcohol immediately makes the detox take 24 hours longer and disrupts your process.
As for legal, we can't recommend it. It may be legal to use in your area, but a company you test for may still have regulations against it. We also stress that you should never use even legal when performing safety-sensitive duties. It lowers reaction time and is common in drivers involved in severe, severe denture products. They are not meant to mask use while performing these duties or attempt to falsify a supervised test.
Can I use this product to pass a hair test?
No. The 10-Day Detox Plan effectively purges toxins from your body that appear in a blood, saliva, or urine test, but it doesn't work for hair tests. If you have a hair test coming up, you'll need to use our specialized hair products, like our Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo.
Is a Toxin Rid detox permanent?
Yes, as long as you avoid additional exposure. If you're using the right program for your exposure level, this is a full-body and permanent detox.